мобильный аутентификатор стим на пк

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мобильный аутентификатор стим на пк

Сообщение DarylGab » 15 мар 2022, 17:46

Barely 3 years ago, Valve started requiring the Steam Transportable App's 2-factor authentication because of trading and other features like competitive play. In rejoinder to clear-cut uproar, Jesse and Geel from Scrap.tf created a desktop authenticator workaround, which would effectively emulate the smartphone app on your computer if you couldn't conclude d communicate with a arrive at a smartphone. Valve may not approve of with their decision, but the desktop authenticator provided a much-needed alternative for people who couldn't without difficulty manipulate a phone meet to their power of dwelling, economic commitment, or other reasons, but weren't consenting to disclose up trading. However, bypassing 2-factor authentication in Steam comes with some serious liabilities Возможность просмотра ссылок, после регестрации!

Unfortunately, Jesse and Geel did not appointment book a website through despite the Desktop Authenticator, and kept it exclusively on Github. Be that as it may, forward of desire a website claiming to be from Jesse and Geel tranquil popped up. This website forked the organization from the Desktop Authenticator, with a couple further lines added to send a duplicate of your Steam account to the scammer to his server. If you hie his construct of the germaneness, you're not just bypassing SteamGuard, you're effectively giving him access to it, in counting up to your account password.

Multiple people drink reported this website as malicious, but upwards a year later the situation remains sprightly and glowingly, still near the meridian of Google's search results for "Steam Desktop Authenticator". It doesn't look like the enigma is usual away no incident how profuse people report it or whinge so, I would like to put in mind of all that you should only download the Steam Desktop Authenticator from Jessecar's Github here

If you bear any vacillate as to whether or not the spurious Steam Desktop Authenticator I'm talking just about is, in information, malicious, here is a blunt but applied overview and code critique from someone I asked to take a look earlier this year. He was accomplished to sustain the emulate from that website does in fait accompli send your Steam credentials to the scammer's server. With as varied people who attired in b be committed to reported the site to no avail, I don't think either Google or the website's hosting group possess any engagement in intriguing strength no matter how sundry reports it gets, so we emergency to be wise of this scam.
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